Updates & Errors

Hi everyone,

Just been getting our BR2 out getting it ready for upcoming project.

Last time we unboxed it was to upgrade to the Navigator/RasPi4.

I’ve tried looking for an update and I’m currently getting this.

Does this just mean it’s up to date??

My next question was I’m being prompted with the EKF3 IMUO forced reset please …

Any info would be much appreciated thank you :pray:

Hi @Davie260563 -
Unfortunately your system has rolled back to factory. This is a known bug in BlueOS 1.1.1 and earlier. Please enable pirate mode, and update to v1.2 beta 7, and after updating, apply bootstrap update with the yellow button that will appear next to the BlueOS version.
Alternatively, you could flash your SD card with this version - if you save your parameters first you you can restore afterwards, so you won’t lose calibration or motor direction configuration!


Hi Tony

Thank you for this I will get on this first thing.

Are the EKF3 errors related to this? Also could you give me a run down how we would save the parameters, not sure which option is easier.

Once updated what changes are we likely to see if any.


Hi @Davie260563 -
The EKF3 errors may be related to this, or something you’ve configured with the vehicle parameters - are you using a DVL or other positioning system?

Saving your parameters is easy - within BlueOS go to the Autopilot Parameters menu and choose save. You can use the load button after the update to select the file on your computer and load the parameters.


I have been mapping the Delta HCU within QGC but that was it. We don’t have any DVL or position equipment just our ping 360 fitted.

Hi Tony,

All updated as per your instructions but after turning off then back on after a while my camera starts to freeze while tilting. I’ve had this issue before and was related to wires/connection being tight. Unfortunately they are are and have plenty slack.

Do you know of any issues with this recent update relating to camera issues?

Hi @Davie260563 -
No updates on our solution / replacement for ths low-light USB camera yet. You could try unplugging the camera connector at the camera, slightly bending the pin, and plugging it back in. This may result in better contact as the camera moves?
The recent update to Cockpit (beta7) does significantly improve the video performance and recording functionality - have you used this browser based GCS yet?


I have not used the browser based GCS what is this?

I will try unplugging and look at pins etc but was working fine prior to update so I thought I’d just ask as that’s only thing that has changed.

Hi @Davie260563 -
Cockpit is an alternative to QGroundControl, intended to completely replace it… eventually!
The update should not affect the video when tilting, it sounds like a hardware/connection issue.


Hi Tony,

I’ve extended the wires one the usb low light cam and done a continuity check which seem good but not getting camera feed at all. Is there anything else I can try?

I don’t have spare unfortunately.


Been playing with this and reverted to to standard length and it works. Well sort of it’s 20/30mm too short now.

So will try adding another section to make it reach.

Do you know the working length of the cable for usb camera? I originally added 60mm section and it didn’t work.

Hi @Davie260563 -
I answered you on the other forum post you created, before seeing this one.

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