I plan to write a 6-DOF controller for the BlueROV2 as my master thesis. For this I have the following setup: A BlueROV2, heavy configuration, with the pixhawk flight controller (3DR Pixhawk 1 · PX4 v1.9.0 User Guide) and a topside computer running ROS2 humble and communicating with ArduSub via Mavros.
Now, I wish to evaluate the IMU in the pixhawk, to get a grip of the quality of the estimated orientation. Since the pixhawk contains multiple accelerometers and gyroscopes, I would like to know which one I’m using and whether I can choose between them.
Mavros publishes several IMU related topics, the ones related to inertial sensors are /imu/data, /imu/data_raw and /imu/mag. I traced those back to their corresponding MAVlink messages (Messages (common) · MAVLink Developer Guide) and found the following connections:
However, I have not yet been able to determine to which sensors these MAVlink messages are linked. Do you have any Information on this, or can point me to literature on this topic? I would be grateful for every hint.
Another question, that arose, regards the frequency at which Mavros publishes the IMU messages. This is currently at about 10 Hz, which is quite slow. To me, it seems that a message is published as soon as a MAVlink message is received, so I was wondering how I could increase the frequency of the MAVlink messages.
I hope my problems are formulated clearly, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.