Hello BlueRobotics! I have some problems with setting gps data via mavlink message. I want to send gps data to my controller, and after it, I want to see them on qgc, or just by calling message for getting during coordinates.
Also I want to ackent on this. After I install image of companion computer to raspberry pi, I connect it to the internet via wifi, and started execution of script called setup.sh which have to download and build all additional software. I add configuration to file mavproxy.param, so I could sent data from host machine to another port “–out udpbcast:”
I also saw string --load-module=‘GPSInput,DepthOutput’, I can’t found what DepthOutput is, and for what it is needed?
As alternative I think to use c++ mavlink, maybe there are some mistakes in pymavlink.
But I have some problems with c++ mavlink library, I tried to compile example, and I get this:
gcc -std=c99 -I …/…/include/common -o mavlink_udp mavlink_udp.c
mavlink_udp.c:54:21: fatal error: mavlink.h: No such file or directory
#include <mavlink.h>
compilation terminated.
But i found 4 reference of it, but only for pymavlink:
So, I have questions:
How to transfer GPS data to pixhawk controller via mavlink (I saw in example wich have to work in auto mode. I try to run it with sitl, sitl of UAV has stopped, like there is no gnss data for it, like it has conflikt with sitl gnss, and mine, it could be). Never the less, I want to set gnss data to pixhawk, and receive the same data.
Pymavlink · GitBook -
QGC have to use show data via mavlink console, but it shows nothing. Is it correct? If not, how to fix that?
I want to use m64 acoustick modem, for transfering data to mavproxy, GNSS, and maybe mission for example. Maybe with setup.sh some prerequired packages are installed, or there is some example for it?