Hi, so per this thread, and the scripts on the pymavlink page on the ardusub documentation, I’ve managed to send some udp messages from a python script running on the Pi to QGroundControl, where I can see it on the widget inspector.
However, what I would like is to be able to read those same messages by a separate python script, where QGroundControl isn’t running. The way I have it now is on the sending script on the Pi, I establish the connection as follows: master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpout:',source_system=2, source_component=2)
. With the reading script, I am establishing the connection with master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:')
The only way I’ve been able to see data with the script is if I start sending the custom data with QGroundControl open, and then close QGC and start reading with my script. If I try just the script, I can read all the other telemetry coming from the mavproxy, just not the message that I’m sending with the python script on the Pi.
Edit: So it turns out I can see the custom messages with my script only. This custom message is a NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT message being sent on port 14550, so I only very occasionally get it (I had to sit and wait for about 30 seconds before I saw the first occurrence.). All the other float message, like camtilt, etc are drowning it out. Should I try changing ports or message type?