So our Pixhawk 2.4.8 stopped lighting up when it is connected. We measured the current and it seemed to get stuck at around 0.9 mA (we measured with power meter). When it is initally connected, the led flashes white for like half a second. We think the boot sequence is stuck because when we connect it to QgroundControl, we can still see that the pixhawk is detected. Please help, how do we get it to function. Is there a firmware we must install?
Select the appropriate firmware for your vehicle type - ArduSub for the BlueROV2!
Hi @lunzzii,
QGroundControl and BlueOS both provide options for flashing Pixhawk flight controllers, although QGC has a few more options available. It’s best to install a firmware for the vehicle type you’re intending to use (e.g. ArduSub for ROVs, as @tony-white mentioned), and I’d recommend starting out with a stable release to make sure it’s working as expected.
Please also note that the Pixhawk 2.4.8 has been known to be unreliable, so it’s more likely to be a hardware issue than with other flight controller boards.