It’s hard for us to answer this beyond what’s already been said elsewhere on the forum. ArduSub should technically run on it, but the components are generally lower quality and the 2.4.8 is known for being somewhat troublesome to work with.
If you’re willing to take the risk of a board that’s known for having low quality then that’s your decision to make. Alternatively it should work to use the Pixhawk 2.4.6, or the Pixhawk 4, which should both be higher quality.
This previous response is relevant for understanding the context:
Unfortunately our alternative board is currently in its validation phase, so isn’t yet ready for public release. I believe it’s expected to release towards the end of the next few months, but I’m assuming you need an autopilot board before then.
EDIT: Our Navigator flight controller has been released, although it requires a Raspberry Pi 4B, so is not an exact replacement for a Pixhawk.