Jetson integration with Navigator(FW - 4.5.0-beta)

import math
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import Float32, UInt16
from pymavlink import mavutil
from pymavlink.quaternion import QuaternionBase
import os
import csv
import time
import random

# Global variables for roll and distance values
roll_value = 320
distance_value = 0.8

# Callback function to update roll value
def roll_callback(msg):
    global roll_value
    roll_value =
    print("Roll value updated:", roll_value)

# Callback function to update distance value
def distance_callback(msg):
    global distance_value
    distance_value =
    print("Distance value updated:", distance_value)

class PIDController:
    def __init__(self, Kp_roll, Ki_roll, Kd_roll, Kp_pitch, Ki_pitch, Kd_pitch, setpoint_roll, setpoint_pitch, sample_time, log_folder):
        # PID parameters for roll axis
        self.Kp_roll = Kp_roll
        self.Ki_roll = Ki_roll
        self.Kd_roll = Kd_roll
        self.Kp_pitch = Kp_pitch
        self.Ki_pitch = Ki_pitch
        self.Kd_pitch = Kd_pitch

        self.setpoint_roll = setpoint_roll
        self.setpoint_pitch = setpoint_pitch
        self.sample_time = sample_time
        self.prev_time = time.time()
        self.log_folder = log_folder  # Log folder path

        # Initialize previous error and integral terms for roll
        self.prev_error_roll = 0
        self.integral_roll = 0
        self.count = 0
        self.prev_error_pitch = 0
        self.integral_pitch = 0
        # Initialize output for roll
        self.output_roll = 0  # Initial output set to 1500
        self.output_pitch = 0
        # Create indexed CSV file for logging
        self.roll_log_index = 0

    def update(self, rollinput):
        self.count += 1
        # Compute time difference since last update
        current_time = time.time()
        dt = current_time - self.prev_time
        print("Current time:", current_time, "Previous time:", self.prev_time)

        # Check if enough time has passed for a new update
        if dt >= self.sample_time:
            # Compute error terms for roll axis
            error_roll = self.setpoint_roll - rollinput[0]
            self.integral_roll += error_roll * dt
            derivative_roll = (error_roll - self.prev_error_roll) / dt
            error_pitch = self.setpoint_pitch - rollinput[1]
            self.integral_pitch += error_roll * dt
            derivative_pitch = (error_roll - self.prev_error_pitch) / dt

            # Compute PID output for roll axis
            self.output_roll = (
                self.Kp_roll * error_roll +
                self.Ki_roll * self.integral_roll +
                self.Kd_roll * derivative_roll
            self.output_pitch = (
                self.Kp_pitch * error_pitch +
                self.Ki_pitch * self.integral_pitch +
                self.Kd_pitch * derivative_pitch
            self.output_pitch = int(max(-1000, min(1000, 0 - self.output_pitch)))
            # Adjust output based on rollinput
            if rollinput[0] == self.setpoint_roll:
                print("Case 2: Roll input is 0", "Roll input:", rollinput, "Output roll:", self.output_roll)
                self.output_roll = 1500
                print("Case 1: Roll input is not 0", "Roll input:", rollinput, "Output roll:", self.output_roll)
                self.output_roll = int(max(-1000, min(1000, 0 + self.output_roll)))

            # Log the data for roll
            print("Count:", self.count)
            self.log_data('roll', current_time, [self.output_roll, self.output_pitch], rollinput)
            # Update previous time and error for next iteration
            self.prev_time = current_time
            self.prev_error_roll = error_roll
            self.prev_error_pitch = error_pitch

        return [self.output_roll, self.output_pitch]

    def log_data(self, axis, timestamp, output, input):
        # Create folder if it doesn't exist
        if not os.path.exists(self.log_folder):

        # Generate log file name in the format ddmmyy_hr:min:sec.csv
        log_file = time.strftime("%d%m%y_%H:%M:%S") + '.csv'
        log_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_folder, log_file)

        with open(log_file_path, 'a', newline='') as file:
            log_writer = csv.writer(file)
            log_writer.writerow([timestamp, output[0], input[0], output[1], input[1]])
def set_target_depth(depth):
    """ Sets the target depth while in depth-hold mode.


    'depth' is technically an altitude, so set as negative meters below the surface
        -> set_target_depth(-1.5) # sets target to 1.5m below the water surface.

        int(1e3 * (time.time() - boot_time)), # ms since boot
        master.target_system, master.target_component,
        type_mask=( # ignore everything except z position
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_X_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_Y_IGNORE |
            # DON'T mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_Z_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_VX_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_VY_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_VZ_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AX_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AY_IGNORE |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_AZ_IGNORE |
            # DON'T mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_FORCE_SET |
            mavutil.mavlink.POSITION_TARGET_TYPEMASK_YAW_IGNORE |
        ), lat_int=0, lon_int=0, alt=depth, # (x, y WGS84 frame pos - not used), z [m]
        vx=0, vy=0, vz=0, # velocities in NED frame [m/s] (not used)
        afx=0, afy=0, afz=0, yaw=0, yaw_rate=0
        # accelerations in NED frame [N], yaw, yaw_rate
        #  (all not supported yet, ignored in GCS Mavlink)

def set_target_attitude(roll, pitch, yaw):
    """ Sets the target attitude while in depth-hold mode.

    'roll', 'pitch', and 'yaw' are angles in degrees.

        int(1e3 * (time.time() - boot_time)), # ms since boot
        master.target_system, master.target_component,
        # allow throttle to be controlled by depth_hold mode
        # -> attitude quaternion (w, x, y, z | zero-rotation is 1, 0, 0, 0)
        QuaternionBase([math.radians(angle) for angle in (roll, pitch, yaw)]),
        0, 0, 0, 0 # roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rate, thrust
def set_rc_channel_pwm(user_input,value):
    if user_input == 1:
        x = value  # Example value for x
        y = 0      # Example value for y
        z = 0      # Example value for z
        r = 0      # Example value for r
        button = 0 # Example value for button
        master.mav.manual_control_send(master.target_system, x, y, z, r)
    elif user_input == 2:
        x = 0      # Example value for x
        y = value  # Example value for y
        z = 0      # Example value for z
        r = 0      # Example value for r
        button = 0 # Example value for button
        master.mav.manual_control_send(master.target_system, x, y, z, r, button)
        print("Invalid input. Please enter either 1 or 2.")
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpout:')
boot_time = time.time()
# Wait a heartbeat before sending commands
def main():
    # Initialize ROS node
    rospy.init_node('pid_controller_node', anonymous=True)

    # Define PID parameters for roll axis
    Kp_roll = 0.5
    Ki_roll = 0.5
    Kd_roll = 0.01
    Kp_pitch = 0.5
    Ki_pitch = 0.5
    Kd_pitch = 0.01
    # Define setpoint and sample time
    setpoint_roll = 320
    setpoint_pitch = 0.8
    # Adjust as per your requirement
    sample_time = 0.01  # 10 ms
    log_folder = '/home/vyana/logs/dives/'  # Log folder path

    # Initialize PID controller
    pid = PIDController(
        Kp_roll, Ki_roll, Kd_roll,
        Kp_pitch, Ki_pitch, Kd_pitch,
        setpoint_roll, setpoint_pitch, sample_time,

    # Subscribe to roll and distance topics
    rospy.Subscriber('/nav/pixel_x', UInt16, roll_callback)
    rospy.Subscriber('/nav/distance', Float32, distance_callback)

I’m running this on a Jetson nano with a real sense camera for real time detection and movement. There are no movements though the messages are being seen on MAVLink inspector. Jetson shows up as system 255. The joystick works in all 3(stabilize, manual and depth hold) modes. Tried running the code without joystick, with joystick, still no difference. Tried it in 4.1.0 and 4.1.2 versions didn’t work. Any where that I’m going wrong? Please feel free to ask for more information. Thanks.

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