Vehicle Information


I’ve run into a small problem I hope with an easy solution. When signing into Q Ground Control for the first time I was prompted to input the Firmware and Vehicle type. I accidental put the wrong Firmware and now my Xbox Controller no longer communicates with Q Ground Control. This is for a BlueROV2 using ArduSub
I’ve looked for how to change it to the correct firmware but have been unsuccessful when the Laptop is connected to the ROV and when using BlueOS.
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hi mschleiderer, follow these link to update your software via Blueos
and this one for the joypad
From the drop down menu in BlueOS you should be able to select the correct firmware and and vehicle type. Reboot the ROV (power cycle) and try connecting again.
If still having problems you may need to reload the SD card via this method:
Best of luck, please reach out again if you require any more assistance.

Hi @mschleiderer -
While @deepsupplies is providing useful information for general setup of your system, I think you’re referring to a QGround Control specific situation?

Generally, I suspect your controller may be the root cause of your issue, as the system tells QGround Control what type of vehicle it is once connected.

Does QGround Control still connect to the vehicle, and are you able to see the Joystick axis and buttons respond when you open the Vehicle Setup / Joystick menu?

You may be able to re-select the firmware type by reinstalling QGround Control (version 4.2.8)
You may also generally prefer the Cockpit experience, although it is still in development.

Hi Tony,
The quick backstory to my issue is, I’m trying have multiple profiles on one laptop so any of my coworkers can log in and run the ROV. So far, four profiles have been setup on the laptop but only the original one is able to connect successfully and run with out any problems. When logging into the other profiles and running QGroundControl, the joystick status says connected but the enable status says No.

Hi @mschleiderer -
If you’re using multiple profiles, you likely have to click the enable checkbox under vehicle setup, joystick in order to use it normally. Give that a try and let us know how it goes!

Hi Tony,

Sorry for the very late reply, thank you very much for the help, it solved the problem.


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