Connection trouble between XBox Controller and Cockpit

Hi all, I’ve just assembled a ROV2 Heavy, and all seems broadly good, although it hasn’t got wet yet.

QControl seems to work fine, and I have configured an XBox controller to the ROV. I have also installed the PC Cockpit app, which connects fine, but it doesn’t allow me to configure the gamepad. It shows this icon in the corner:

Hovering my mouse over this shows: Joystick Connected but Disabled. If I have QControl open too, the ROV can be controlled fine from the gamepad. If I don’t have it open, Cockpit announces “Lost Manual Control” and this is correct, the ROV doesn’t respond.

I can’t see a way to enable the joystick. All suggestions welcome!

Hi @RickMoss1 -
Welcome to the forums!
Have you been trying to use Cockpit with QGroundControl open at the same time? This isn’t supported, and they will conflict with each other… See if closing QGC and opening Cockpit with your controller paired solves the issue.

You could also verify the game controller is detected generically here.

Finally, within Cockpit, have you followed the tour of the interface? Does the controller appear/respond when you push a button on it when looking at the joystick settings menu?

Thanks Tony. Yes, it works fine on the controller test site.

I can get it to work on cockpit briefly when it first starts up, and at this point when I open the “visual” section of the joystick configuration menu it shows 2 controllers; the top one doesn’t respond to anything, but the second one down responds to button presses. This soon after disappears, the “visual” tab gets greyed-out and the icon above shows as “joystick connected but disabled”.

I’ve ordered a PS5 controller; will see if that’s any better.

Hi @RickMoss1 -
Can you confirm what version of Cockpit you’re trying to use? Is it standalone, or the BlueOS extension?

Does the game controller test website indicate more than one controller is connected?

I suspect Windows is causing issues - removing the controller connection, restarting the machine, and re-pairing it may resolve things?

Hi Tony, it’s the standalone version.

I had tried deleting and re-pairing the controller, uninstall/reinstall of Cockpit etc; all to no avail. The controller website showed only 1 controller, but QGC showed 2, the other being my bluetooth mouse. It however let me select the Xbox controller, and was happy with that.

I have just connected a PS4 controller (borrowed from child) and that works just fine in cockpit. It recognised it as a PS Gamepad, configured the controls as I wanted them and has proven stable on the bench for an hour or so.

The XBox controller was brand new from the box, and worked fine in QGC, but not Cockpit. No idea why!

Hey @RickMoss1!

We had another user with the same problem regarding the xbox controller. Can I do some questions to help us on the debug?

  1. The one you’re using is similar to this one?
  2. Are you using it via bluetooth or wired?
  3. Which OS are you running on?
  4. Which browser are you using?
  5. Which Cockpit version are you running on? You can check it on menu>about.

Thanks in advance!

Yes of course Rafael:

  1. The one you’re using is similar to this one?
    Yes, exactly that one; model number 1914

  2. Are you using it via bluetooth or wired?
    Bluetooth, but also tried wired to no avail.

  3. Which OS are you running on?
    |Processor|13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900H 2.60 GHz|
    |Installed RAM|32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)|
    |System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|
    |Edition|Windows 11 Pro|
    |Installed on|‎14/‎02/‎2025|
    |OS build|26100.3194|
    |Experience|Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26100.48.0|

  4. Which browser are you using?
    Chrome Version 133.0.6943.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  5. Which Cockpit version are you running on? You can check it on menu>about.

It indeed seems to be a problem specifically happening on Windows.

We will investigate and try to get a fix in the next week!

@rafael.lehmkuhl Just to add, I received a PS5 Dual Shock in the post today and tried that; it has the same issues as the Xbox controller. The PS4 controller still works fine.

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Thanks fort the info @RickMoss1! Will check on it as well.