I am trying to run my blueROV2 with QGroundControl. QGroundControl is telling me that I am connected to my vehicle and it is giving me various readings. I can tell that QGroundControl is reading my controllers commands and buttons presses when I am watching the joy stick page. But I can not effect the state or send commands to the vehicle and I am not sure what the problem is. If anyone has any ideas about this it would be super helpful. Thanks for your time.
You can check that the joystick commands are actually getting inside the vehicle by looking at Widgets->Mavlink Inspector->Vehicle1->RC_CHANNELS_RAW. When you move the joystick, do the numbers change?
Hey I figured out the problem. Early I changed the pixhawk system id so that the bluerov would work with mavros. I changed it back to 255 so that it could work with qgroundcontrol. Thanks for all the help.