Ubuntu14.04 no video

Hi , i am asking this question for my friend, he has a BR2 with a laptop (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS), and the video is not showing up for some reasons.

I had followed this topic: No Video in QGround Control Running Ubuntu 16.04LTS

So I have a BR2 with Ubuntu16.04 LTS, the same video issue happened to me and was solved by the topic above. Seems like (apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-libav) does not work on ubuntu 14.04.

I had coped the error code from my friends pc, please see below:
His BR2 is still assembling, only has pix+pi+usb camera+fathom board+battery something like that.

Thanks for the helps!

[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/QGCApplication.cc:259 - "Settings location "/home/prince/.config/QGroundControl.org/QGroundControl.ini" Is writable?: true"
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/QGCLoggingCategory.cc:99 - "Filter rules "qt.network.ssl.warning=false\n*Log.debug=false\n""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:88 - "No metadata for fact: "airSpeed""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:88 - "No metadata for fact: "altitudeAMSL""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/Vehicle/MAVLinkLogManager.cc:359 - "MAVLink logs directory: "/home/prince/鏂囨。/QGroundControl/Logs""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCMapEngine.cpp:215 - "Map Cache in: "/home/prince/.cache/QGCMapCache300" / "qgcMapCache.db""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:88 - "No metadata for fact: "airSpeed""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:88 - "No metadata for fact: "altitudeAMSL""
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml:122 - "0.057291666666666664"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:129 - "_activeVehicle(0) _vehicleArmed(0) guidedModeSupported(0) _vehicleFlying(0) _vehicleInRTLMode(0) pauseVehicleSupported(0) _vehiclePaused(0) _flightMode()"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:129 - "_activeVehicle(0) _vehicleArmed(0) guidedModeSupported(0) _vehicleFlying(0) _vehicleInRTLMode(0) pauseVehicleSupported(0) _vehiclePaused(0) _flightMode()"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:154 - "_currentMissionIndex -1"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/Controls/SliderSwitch.qml:74 - "34.5 44"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:129 - "_activeVehicle(0) _vehicleArmed(0) guidedModeSupported(0) _vehicleFlying(0) _vehicleInRTLMode(0) pauseVehicleSupported(0) _vehiclePaused(0) _flightMode()"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml:94 - "ScreenTools: Screen.width: 1366 Screen.height: 768 Screen.pixelDensity: 4.417252538779154"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml:94 - "ScreenTools: Screen.width: 1366 Screen.height: 768 Screen.pixelDensity: 4.417252538779154"
[E] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:60 - "Unknown Fact "altimeter distance""
[E] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:60 - "Unknown Fact "altimeter distance""
[E] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/Controls/MainToolBar.qml:114 - "qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/Controls/MainToolBar.qml:114: TypeError: Cannot read property 'sub' of null"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml:94 - "ScreenTools: Screen.width: 1366 Screen.height: 768 Screen.pixelDensity: 4.417252538779154"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/ScreenTools/ScreenTools.qml:94 - "ScreenTools: Screen.width: 1366 Screen.height: 768 Screen.pixelDensity: 4.417252538779154"
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/comm/MAVLinkProtocol.cc:413 - "Orphaned log file count 0"
[E] at :0 - "QQuickWidget: Attempted to render scene with no context"
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/comm/MAVLinkProtocol.cc:381 - "Temp log "/tmp/FlightData179281.mavlink""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:88 - "No metadata for fact: "airSpeed""
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:88 - "No metadata for fact: "altitudeAMSL""
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:129 - "_activeVehicle(1) _vehicleArmed(0) guidedModeSupported(0) _vehicleFlying(0) _vehicleInRTLMode(0) pauseVehicleSupported(0) _vehiclePaused(0) _flightMode()"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:129 - "_activeVehicle(1) _vehicleArmed(0) guidedModeSupported(0) _vehicleFlying(0) _vehicleInRTLMode(0) pauseVehicleSupported(1) _vehiclePaused(0) _flightMode()"
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:129 - "_activeVehicle(1) _vehicleArmed(0) guidedModeSupported(0) _vehicleFlying(0) _vehicleInRTLMode(0) pauseVehicleSupported(1) _vehiclePaused(0) _flightMode(Manual)"
[E] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/FactSystem/FactGroup.cc:60 - "Unknown Fact "altimeter distance""
[D] at qrc:///qml/QGroundControl/FlightDisplay/GuidedActionsController.qml:154 - "_currentMissionIndex 0"
[D] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/MissionManager/MissionManager.cc:859 - "inProgressChanged"
[E] at :0 - "QQuickWidget: Attempted to render scene with no context"
[E] at :0 - "QQuickWidget: Attempted to render scene with no context"
[E] at :0 - "QQuickWidget: Attempted to render scene with no context"
[E] at :0 - "QQuickWidget: Attempted to render scene with no context"
[E] at :0 - "QQuickWidget: Attempted to render scene with no context"
[E] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCTileCacheWorker.cpp:1065 - "No Internet Access"
[E] at /home/travis/build/bluerobotics/qgroundcontrol/src/QtLocationPlugin/QGCTileCacheWorker.cpp:1065 - "No Internet Access"
[D] at qrc:/qml/MavlinkSettings.qml:379 - "Rating: notset"
[D] at qrc:/qml/MavlinkSettings.qml:342 - "Wind: -1"

i suggested him switch to ubuntu16.04 LTS



I was able to install the gstreamer packages without any problem in 14.04, try a sudo apt update before installing it. What kind of error apt is returning for you ?
I would also recommend to use the last LTS version 18.04 or 16.04, 14.04 is 4 years old !

Thanks for the information.

sudo apt update , i will try that!

when i log into the companion computer, sometimes there is no information for the camera and camera setting was not available as well. SEE BELOW.

Also to access the stream on VLC, did not work. Also, i did not see any error messages related to gstreamer in the QGC console


Can you go to and run ls /dev/ | grep video, if you get no output from it, check your camera connection.

Problem was solved, the USB camera has a bad connection cable.

Thanks for your help!

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