Trouble configuring heavy upgrade

Hi BR2 world,

I have recently added on the Heavy upgrade kit but when I can came to configuring the software I have hit a snag!

When I enter QGroundControl and go to ‘Frame’ - “Load Vehicle Default Parameters” there is no option for the Heavy Upgrade as suggested in the intructions? I have tried:

  • Installing the latest GGroundControl 3.3.2
  • Turn on/off ROV and computer

The firmware verions is 3.5.2

I am also not seeing a ‘motors’ option in Vehicle setup menu. And I am running out of ideas? Any suggestions?


You should install QGC from one of the links here:

Ok, I am now getting the option to select BR2 Heavy but I am getting an error message “Param File github json failed: Error during download. Error 99”

I working off a pc laptop, windows 7, with no antivirus, firewall settings in place and a working internet connection. I have tried a couple of restarts and still the same error??

Hi Joel,

Sorry for this error, this is a know issue that happen in some computers.

It’s possible to download BlueRov2 heavy configuration here (correct file from jacob comment).
To upload it: Vehicle SetupParametersToolsLoad from file

Unfortunately, the format of this file is not compatible with QGC. The correct file is attached.

brov2-heavy-3_5_2.params (16.4 KB)

Thank you that appears to have done the trick!

I am not seeing the motors option in the menu for vehicle setup. I know this is minor as I can go to parameters to change motor direction but it would be handy to have to test?

Thanks for your help.

@fish_ecology, make sure you are using the latest software. There is a step in the software setup instructing you to update software. Also make sure you have the latest QGC.

Hi @jwalser
Is the file attached for 3.5.2 compatible with Ardusub 3.5.3? Or Any diffs?

It will work with 3.5.3. You can always check the latest here: Downloads

I will organize it appropriately if there eventually arises any concern over matching versions.

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oh thank you!