I am using holybro’s pixhawk 4 and I made all the connections properly and ardusub. In Qgroundcontrol, in the motors tab, when I am ariming the thrusters, they are not getting armed, I have to manually arm the thruster by sliding up the slider to maximum for some time until it calibrates and then down. Also, thrusters aren’t moving in reverse when I pull the slider below the starting position. I have to tick the reverse direction option to move the thrusters in opposite direction by pulling the slider down.
Hi @Haadi,
What kind of ESCs are you using? Our Basic ESC expects a signal with 1100 to 1900 µs pulse-durations, with 1500 µs as the stopped/neutral point. If you’re using ESCs that are intended for drones or something then it’s possible they are not programmed to support bidirectional operation, and may only work one way. Alternatively there could be an issue between the PWM limits ArduSub is using compared to those your ESC expects to receive.
Hey, thanks for responding. The issue was I was using drone ESCs. I found the right ones.
Meanwhile, I would really appreciate your response on the following topics
I have been waiting for a lot of time for that .