I am trying to set up stonefish simulator (Welcome to Stonefish — Stonefish 1.4.0 documentation) with SITL, using the JSON model. From stonefish I am sending position, attitude, gyro, accel_body and velocity to the SITL and I am mapping the servo outputs to the thrusters at stonefish).
Now I am able to teleoperate the robot in manual mode using the joystick, but once I change the mode to depth hold or stabilize, the robot goes up or desestabilize respectively.
I was looking in some forums and I found that changing the AHRS_EKF_TYPE parameter to 10 will allow ardusub to use the data from the AHRS of stonefish (sended using JSON model) SITL JSON Interface not working? - Copter 4.0 - ArduPilot Discourse. This work for representing the AHRS in qground but doesnt work for the stabilizing and depth hold.
Maybe it is something about frames, I am using the NED frame for the pose, ¿is it conrrect?
Could somebody help me or has any idea on how to solve it.
My version of ardusub is ArduSub V4.6.0-dev (a22e28cf) and i am using the Vectored_6DOF.
Also I am suing the default_params/sub.parm.