Running QGroundControl in parallel with Python script

Hi @autery,

I just loaded up my old Companion SD card to try this, and it worked immediately.

My steps were

  1. Go to
  2. Add --out udpbcast:
    • I put it just under the existing line for port 14550
    • I also tried port 14770 and udpout:, both of which worked fine as well
  3. Press ‘Restart MAVProxy’ button
    • The page flashed briefly - the buttons did not go grey
  4. Refreshed the web page to make sure it wasn’t just stuck on the old one
  5. Confirmed that the connection was working on my topside computer
    from pymavlink import mavutil
    port = 14551
    m = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:{}'.format(port))
    print('connection success!')
  6. Rebooted the Raspberry Pi (via the “Reboot” button in the top right corner) and confirmed my MAVProxy update was still there

Which Companion version are you on? I was testing on 0.0.31 (the last version), and my parameters after pressing “Restore Default Options” were

--cmd="set heartbeat 0"
--cmd="param forceload /home/pi/companion/params/serial0.param"
--out udpin:localhost:9000
--out udpin:
--out udpbcast:
--streamrate 10

As a side note, you may wish to try out BlueOS. The same functionality is available via the Endpoints page (when in Pirate Mode) :slight_smile: