> # If you want to use QGroundControl in parallel with your python script,
> # it's possible to add a new output port in http: as a new line.
> # E.g: --out udpbcast:
This isn’t working for me. I added the line and used 14551 for the “yourport” number. I think the problem is it’s not updating MAVProxy. When I refresh the page the line i just added goes away. I tried rebooting after I add the line, but that also just deletes the line. I tried clicking “restart MAVProxy” button, but that just greys out both the bottom buttons and nothing actually happens. After 5 minutes or so of nothing happening, I refreshed the page and the line i added disappeared again.
I’ve seen in other forums that adding this line works, but I’m not sure what step I’m missing to actually implement the change after I type it into the window on http:
I put it just under the existing line for port 14550
I also tried port 14770 and udpout:, both of which worked fine as well
Press ‘Restart MAVProxy’ button
The page flashed briefly - the buttons did not go grey
Refreshed the web page to make sure it wasn’t just stuck on the old one
Confirmed that the connection was working on my topside computer
from pymavlink import mavutil
port = 14551
m = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udpin:{}'.format(port))
print('connection success!')
Rebooted the Raspberry Pi (via the “Reboot” button in the top right corner) and confirmed my MAVProxy update was still there
Which Companion version are you on? I was testing on 0.0.31 (the last version), and my parameters after pressing “Restore Default Options” were
running QGC and pymavlink in parallel is exactly what I wish do to. I have read on this forum, a quick explanation of how to do this. But have not been successful yet.
What changes to BlueOS::endpoints do I have to make for this task.
Thanks in advance.
You have provided so much great help thus far.