Hi @patrickelectric It seems like there is a issue here with QGC rev.6. This is the same fault as i have. i am back on rev4 until this problem has been fixed.
This led to another issue… There is no programmed buttons in rev.4 for the gripper so i hope we can solve this audio issue in rev.6 soon so we dont have to chose between sound or gripper…
Hi @hub Do you have any idea why we loose the audio from our sub when we install rev.6 ? As far as i know there is several people that thave the same experience now.
You can download previous versions of QGC here.
We are going to focus in more stability and improvements for QGC in the next months, you can follow any update related to the audio issue in my previous post, using the github issue link.
tried QGC rev4 to get the sound, but still no success.
See screenshot below from the output of screen -ls .
i m using different IPs than the default ones for the Raspberry pi and surface computer. Could the default IP be hardcoded somewhere for the audio stream? Any way to correct that?
Is there anyone that have the audio feedback from the camera that runs it on Win.10 with QGC version 6? i have tested with several computers now, but still not able to get any audio on the 6. QGC. As it is today i have to chose between being able to operate the gripper with the proper commands with version 6 or use a earlier version where the audio is ok. really like this audio feature.