Guided Mode not supported by Vehicle!

Dear Jacob,

I have tried change mode in Ardusub both through QGround Control and mavros cmd, when changed to Manual mode it works well, but changed to Guided mode, it doesn’t work.

In another discuss you have replied:

I did this SITL according to the steps you said, and then

  • rosrun mavros mavsafety arm
  • rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c GUIDED
    It appear Mode changed. successfully.

When I use the firmware on pixhawk, it does not respond no matter standard version 3.5 or developor version 3.6

So, my understanding is:
This version Ardusub only support GUIDED mode in simulator envrionment but not release to the firmware. In the future version ardusub, the firmware will support GUIDED mode, and then the Ardusub will have autonomous functions, we can use mavros to control Ardusub and set waypoint position easily, is my understanding correct?

Thank you!