That’s not expected behaviour. Someone had the same issue recently, which I raised at the time in this bug report.
For some context, Ping Viewer is supposed to look for either of those files, and as long as one of them is available it should work.
In the interests of getting this fixed, would both of you be able to specify your device type, in case that’s relevant? The original case was a Dell tablet-PC, so at this point it’s not clear if it’s particular devices, or if it’s an issue on the latest Windows 10 or something.
Hi, my computer with the same issue is an Dell Tablet i5 8350U 1.7 GHz, Win10 and updated on Win11 yesterday with no effect to this problem. After updating VisualC++ the issue is solved! Thanks very much!
The update has been merged into the master branch, but isn’t yet in a release. We’re hoping to make a new Ping Viewer release this week or next, which should include João’s fix