Rugged gamepad/joystick integration with Ardusub

Hi, I am trying to integrate a rugged/military grade joystick/gamepad with Ardusub. I had been reading a few articles where I saw, to incorporate a new joystick/gamepad, there needs to be a change to firmware through custom code. While this is something I will surely look into, has there been any developments in this path?

  1. I am looking for a rugged gamepad as well. Can somebody suggest me one that matches the current Xbox or Logitech controller? (I have something in my mind .1)Link1
  2. Can somebody point me into editing the firmware for custom joystick coding.?
  3. Is there anyone who has previous experience with integrating the joystick of military standard.?
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We have been working on using the Thrustmaster Duo pair of joysticks with the BlueROV2 - we are nearly there as far as having it all working reliably and as soon as we are satisfied we will send the information to KevinK for further testing and then publication of the how to.


That’s good news.

@rnr, there are several customers and distributors who have designed and sell custom controllers for use with the BROV2: Search results for 'custom controller' - Blue Robotics Community Forums