Recording video using the QGroundControl

Hello Guys,

We just bought a BlueROV2 and did not record anything yet. Could I have a step by step to do it?

ArduSub - Recording Video

I’ve upgraded the system to 15 April 2019 versions and now I don’t see the record video button on the fly screen.

The video record button got moved.
You can find it by clicking the drop down icon in the values widget like this:

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Oh of course.

Thank you

Would it be possible to have the recording button somewhere else? Sometimes it is necessary to quickly hit the record button when something fast happens (shark passing by, etc) and it takes too long to look for the button -or it takes too much space to continuously record.



I agree with you that the way it is now is not the best for usability. That was introduced with a change that will enable multiple cameras, so it was not done in vain.
But we’ll try to get back to something more friendly.

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Thank you for your quick reply. Maybe also introduce some keyboard shortcuts for things like recording, Analyze widget, etc

I am using QGC 3.5.2 from here: Downloads - QGroundControl - Drone Control
Is this the officially supported by BlueROV2?


Thank you for the suggestion. That is something that QGC is currently missing and would improve usability. I’ll take it to the other developers.

Yes, that is currently the one.

That’s great. When can we expect the implementation of multiple cameras? We are really looking forward for that capability