Navigator WebAssistant is an alternative way of interfacing with our Navigator flight controller, which directly communicates with the onboard sensors and peripherals instead of going via an autopilot firmware.
If your board has the same pinout and components as our Navigator then (after disabling your autopilot) you should be able to use the Navigator WebAssistant to confirm whether your PWM outputs are working as expected.
If they work there then your issue is likely with the ArduPlane firmware version you’re running (e.g. it may not have the Navigator board defined), but otherwise there may be some issue with your Raspberry Pi configuration, or with the hardware of your board (e.g. the routing of connections to or from the PWM chip, or the chip itself).
From your error messages it does seem like there’s something going wrong with the compass connection / communications, but I’m not sure what the issue is most likely to be. I’ve asked internally to see if there’s some additional insight
it is because we replaced AK09915 magnetometer with QMC5883L mag on our board since AK09915 was not available during order. We need to remove that check in navigator-rs library (Rust) which is a dependency of Navigator web assistant or something
Here are our detector addresses, the board is seen by blueos. All of the functions work correctly except for PWM (not working at all, maybe we need to enable them by some button or pass some check in the code with that QMC5883L change).
Be free to collaborate with the libraries to add support to your board. For that, you just to update the sensor list verification and add support to it in our libraries.
I bought a pca9685 16ch to test the PWM output via navigator i2c, but it still doesn’t work(other external modules, like a mag or airspeed sensor, work via i2c on this board). Maybe I need to install drivers or libraries, like a adafruit servokit with blueos?
And the problem is with QMC5883l, which I have on the board, instead of AK09915, which also has the address 0x0D, but can blueos and navigator Web Assistant work with it? If not, where do I need to add processing to this magnetometer?
If I connect an external magnetometer QMC5883l via i2c, I see it in the vehicle setup, but navigator Web Assistant still does not work, the problem is the same as above.
Also, if I change the devices in the object, I change AK09915 to QMC5883L, then the navigator continues to initialize, nothing changes, the errors remain the same…