Navigator flight controller stuck at “INITIALISING” with barometer, accelerometer not detected. I have 3 navigator boards, the issue same on all.
here is a system status log I got using swagger ui get request WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free
Hi, can you ellaborate on the issue? I see some conflicting information.
Your title mentions ArduPlane 4.5.4, but the picture shows ArduSub 4.1.2.
I recommend updateing BlueOS to the latest beta, and resetting the parameters to the firmware defaults:
If the issue persisnt, send us the system logs. they can be found in the settings menu (gear icon under the main menu options):
I installed ArduSub 4.1.2 just to test whether it would work with older versions of firmware, specifically with ardusub instead of arduplane. Ok, I updated BlueOS to latest Beta 1.3.0-beta.7 and flashed the latest Arduplane firmware through BlueOS.local web UI. Will send you all the logs, etc now
I did reset all parameters, and rebooted as suggested. Does not help.
here are the system logs .zip
In terminal I assume I have i2c devices listed (barometer, accelerometer, gyroscope, etc). Maybe i need to point somehow their addresses for blueos
Hi, it seems that there are some issues on your i2c buses. are you using a navigator? do you have any other peripherals attached?
Your BlueOS is sometimes identifying the Board as Argonot, which has a different set of sensors than navigator.
do you have a reference of what is Argonot? I cant even find it on google
I have tried building my own navigator using your schematic, I havent changed a thing (same IMU and sensors), check the thread where the guy also did something similar
Somethign is probably off.
Navigator is detect upon detecting these:
ADS1115_address = 0x48 on i2c-1
AK09915_address = 0x0C on i2c-1
BME280_address = 0x76 on i2c-1 (this one is the on-board baro)
PCA9685_address = 0x40 on i2c-4
Argonot is detected upon detecting:
swap_multiplexer_address = 0x77 on i2c-1
If detection (and ardupilot itself) is failing, something is probably off with your board. Try reducing the i2c baud in /boot/config.txt
you may need to add # CUSTOM
after the changed lines so blueos doesnt change them back.
Yes, I see it in I might try switching i2c addresses, by making a fork of blueos and recompiling. Do you know a way of detecting via terminal the i2c devices or scanning for everything possibly connected?
Yes, try i2detect -y 1
to detect devices on i2c-1 and so on
I recomend watch -n 0.1 i2cdetect -y 1
to have it run at 10hz, so you can have an idea of how consistent/noisy the bus is
what if there is no config.txt in home/system_root/boot
I tried watching with i2cdetect, nothing changes only 2 addresses available all the time
I tried: find /boot -name "config.txt" | grep config.txt
I think overall this tutorial is the way to go.Change Raspberry Pi I2C Bus Speed - Raspberry Pi Spy
Ok, I configured /boot/config.txt using this GitHub - EmilGus/install_raspi-config: Script to install raspi-config on Raspberry Pi devices with an Linux OS that's missing it, like Kali Linux.
blueOS seems to always delete config.txt after each reboot of raspberry. Boot folder is empty after reboot.