I have a BlueROV equipped with the heavy configuration kit. Additionally I installed two Blue Trail Engineering SER-2020 servo motors (https://www.bluetrailengineering.com/product-page/underwater-servo-ser-20xx).
I am using the Navigator Flight Controller + Raspberry Pi 4 setup. The ardupilot version is 4.1.2, and the correct frame configuration has been selected (vectored 6DOF). To sum up I have 12 devices connected to the Navigator Flight Controller PWM channel outputs:
Device (s) | PWM output channel |
Thruster’s ESCs | 1-8 |
Lumen light* | 12 |
SER-2020 | 13 and 15 |
Camera tilt servo | 16 |
N/C | 9-11, 14 |
*it is just one Lumen light not two.
I have the following issues and I do not know if there is a relationship between them:
1.- Sometimes after I turn the BlueROV on, QgroundControl shows a pre-arm check failure (imu_reset or sth like that), an intermitent error with the AHRS and the voltage readings on the interface oscillate between 3.71 V and the actual battery voltage (~15V). When this happens I cannot operate the ROV, but if I restart it, sometimes it works, the errors dissapear and I can arm/disarm and operate the ROV and the thrusters normally. However, in both cases I cannot operate the other (12-16) PWM outputs, even though the joystick is mapped properly and the readings show that the PWM values change when I press the corresponding buttons.
2.- While working in the BlueOS interface sometimes I lose the heartbeat due to multiple errors like these:
I get like 15+ notifications with different errors, this happens sometimes with the Autopilot and sometimes with the SITL
3.- I decided to use the SITL instead and try to operate the PWM outputs using the Navigator Assistant extension but as soon as I press the “toggle PWM enable” button the ROV goes haywire; the lumen light turns on, the ESCs start beeping (and do not stop), the servos move to a position (the one set by the sliders I think). When I disable the PWM everything stops.
This last case also happened when using the Autopilot, however I thought it was a compatibility issue with the Navigator Assistant, that is why I changed to the SITL but it did not solve the problem.
To summarize: I cannot operate the PWM outputs with the joystick (while using QGroundControl), nor the navigator assistant (because everything goes haywire when I enable the PWM outputs).
I checked the connections and it does not seem to be any shortcircuit or faulty wiring, and if that can be a possibility, where should I look first?
I do not where to start troubleshooting
Any help or suggestion is welcomed
Have a good day!