I have developed a new flight mode for the BlueROV2, which is currently just a copy of one of the already implemented modes, implemented similarly to the below post. Now I would like to test the mode as the firmware is built and flashed to the ROV before moving on to developing the flight mode fully, as a milestone as such.
Creating newflight mode in Ardusub
I had hoped changing the ardupilotmega.xml and .h files would automatically fill in the new mode to QGroundControl but after testing, further research suggests QGroundControl needs to be built from scratch.
Modifying QGroundControl #1 - Setup and First Build - YouTube
Getting Started with source & builds · QGroundControl Developer Guide
Having attempted to follow the above two, I cannot get QT creator to build the software.
The current setup is:
qgroundcontrol stable_V4.0 branch ( have also tried master, submodules were updated )
Windows 10
Visual Studios 2017
QT creator 4.13.3
QT 5.12.6 for UWP x64 (MSVC 2017)
The errors seen were
Unsupported Windows toolchain, only Visual Studio 2017 64 bit is supported - which was resolved by changing the complier in kits as I originally had VS2019 on my machine
Unknown module(s) in QT: printsupport serialport - which I haven’t been able to resolve or get further.
Any suggestions on other setups you have had success with for building QGroundControl would be greatly appreciated as most of my issues with ArduSub thus far have been software version compatibility. Also if there is another way to test/add the new flight mode to QGroundControl rather than building the full application?
Also are there any resources available in regards to using other Ground Stations with the BlueROV2 such as MAVProxy (given a flight mode should be possible to call via its number via command line?) as I haven’t found much, as working with MAVLink commands specifically may be the better approach later.