Ping 360 not always starting

Hi Folks, we’re having issues with our ping 360, it’s connected over ethernet, has a fixed ip ( Sometimes it’s available in ping viewer after startup and works perfectly -but sometimes not. It requires power cycling (with battery) to get it going when it doesn’t show up.

And sometimes when it does show up, it doesn’t rotate, just seems to be stuck jerking around the 12oclock position with no readouts.

And sometimes when we’re using it, it freezes in position, gives no readouts and jerks around at whatever value it’s frozen at.

I noticed something strange today where it was visible in pingviewer, but not rotating or giving any readings:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I’ve had a look at these logs, there seems to be a lot of errors, could anybody have a look to help us make sense of them?

20240513-113506700.txt (19.0 MB)

Hi @XYZEng -
We’ve reviewed the logs, it seems that some part of your issue may be caused by data being received by an ipv6 address. Is it possible to disable ipV6 on the computer network interface you’re using with the system?
Can you also provide a BlueOS log file - found in the settings gear in the lower left?


Hi Tony, sorry I didn’t get a log from the ROV yet, but do you think it’s a similar issue to this:

FYI I did try to download a log file using qground control, but the ROV kept beeping and lights were flashing on and off every few seconds, it was too loud for me to do at home, so the next time I open the case I’ll take out the SD card.

Hi @XYZEng -
It could indeed be related to that - however without logs we truly can’t determine!

You won’t be able to retrieve logs by extracting the SD Card. You’ll have an easier time downloading the logs from the BlueOS interface - first from the gear icon in the lower left (BlueOS System Logs) and then from the Log Browser.
If the ROV is beeping more than when power is connected, and again after a couple minutes as the Pi finishes starting up, you likely have other problems, like the autopilot service not running.

You may have more success running the latest ArduSub (4.1.2) and latest BlueOS (1.3 beta 5 as of today.)


The beeping (and lights flashing) was only happening when downloading log files (through QGC).

Our BlueROV is a pixhawk and raspberry pi 3b. Last time I turned it on to download the log files they were only available in QGC, I’ll try to update BlueOS to the latest version and see if I can get them through blueOS.

From the relevant GitHub issue it seems there’s some possibility for getting the Pixhawk’s DataFlash (.bin) logs in BlueOS, if you configure the autopilot to stream them live as they’re created, but the more robust “fetch on demand” approach we’re aiming to provide via MAVFTP is not yet available.

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