Hi @delphi, welcome to the forum
I’m not quite sure what you mean by this - could you provide some more information about what you’ve tried?
The UDP connection requires either:
- connect sonar via USB to the Raspberry Pi companion computer - it will provide a UDP endpoint that PingViewer can access through the tether, or
- rewire the sonar to use the ethernet interface instead of USB and send the ethernet signal directly to the top computer through the tether (possibly using a network switch so both ping360 and companion computer can send info via the fathom-X), then either configure your computer to assign the ping360 an IP in the 192.168.2.x range, or use the latest continuous release of PingViewer to detect a dynamically assigned Ping360 IP and/or force a static one (see this post for details)
Jim’s suggestion of updating your companion computer is a good one. Assuming you’re connecting the Ping360 in the first option I outlined then the companion update may be all that you need. When your ROV is connected, you can update from your browser using the companion computer web interface System page.