Trying to set-up my BlueRov2 for the first time. According to the manual there should be a “motors”-tab under vehicle setup in QGC but it is not there. Wanted to change the direction on one of the thrusters but could´t. Changed the propeller physical instead. How can I get the motors-tab visible?
The lights doesn´t work and found out that I might need to load vehicle parameters in the frame-tab. However got error-code trying to load the parameters (code 90). What could be wrong?
Thanks, the motor tab is there after update of the software, however the lights doesn´t work. I got power to the first lumen light and yellow signal cable is in the channel 7 slot. Lights configuration is lights 1 = channel 7, lights 2 = disable,
The XBOX buttons 13 and 14 are configured to dimm lights 1.
Tried to load parameters but still got the error message 99 (“param file github json download: failed during download”).
You need to have one button to increase brightness, and one button to decrease brightness. Can you please save your parameters to a file, and send them to me?