I have annoying joystick problem with using the joystick on a BlueRov 2 + Payload skid. The problem is, once I arm the ROV, no matter what mode it is in, it will rotate horizontally violently, totally uncontrollable. Every time I had to press disarm button immediately. If the joystick is disconnected, then the ROV will stay calm when it’s armed.
Another unusual thing is that the functions of those two sticks on the gamepad are switched. It means the left stick controls ascending/descding and yaw, while the right one controls forward/backward and lateral motions.
Sometimes, the joystick would work for a moment, but next time it would goes back to uncontrollable mode again. I tried both XBox wireless and Logitech F310, same issues.
Operating System: Windows 10
Firmware: 0.0.31 and 4.0.3
QGroundControl: laterest stable
Tried to calibrate joysticks using windows controller functions and QGroundControl. Not working.
Built-in sensor calibration: done.
It’s deeply appreciated if you can share some thoughts. Thank you very much.
This sounds like a joystick calibration/measurement issue.
Not sure which version you’re referring to. If you’re not already on it, can you try our recommended one?
If joystick calibration isn’t working then it’s not too surprising that the joystick behaviour isn’t as expected. That said, I’m not sure why the calibration isn’t working. If changing QGC versions doesn’t resolve the issue I’ll ask our software team if they’ve got any ideas
To be clear, both previously used gamepads (XBox and Logitech F310) were working and calibrated. Buttons have functions assigned. They just caused trouble when BlueRov is armed.
Current Status: The system is working, after a new Logitech F710 is connected and a fresh installation of latest stable version of QGroundControl from its official website.
Not sure how the problem was caused, my hunch is that the control software may get messed up under Windows system.
Interesting enough, functions of two joysticks on the F710 gamepad are still switched. Left one for yaw and vertical movements while right one is for horizontal movement control.