ISO of a simple sketch connecting Fathom X boards together

If anyone could share a simple diagram of how the Fathom X boards connect together with the Raspberry PI along with the Pixhawk I would be forever in your debt. I’m mainly interested in the cabling that was supplied. Electrical schematics don’t work for me, I need visual LOL.

I have been reading all day and trying to get my system up and running and not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’m exhausted.

I can’t see any video either because I can’t scroll down far enough on my laptop to check the video settings. Tried changing the screen resolution to no avail. Same issue I had with Mission Planner awhile back.


We can work out a sketch, but quickly, the data connection is as follows:

Pixhawk <-> microUSB cable <-> RaspberryPi <-> Short Ethernet Patch Cable <-> Fathom X <-> Twisted pair (two wires) <-> Fathom X <-> short Ethernet Patch Cable <-> surface computer.

The Fathom X boards also need to be powered through the mini usb port.

You shouldn’t have to change the video settings, the default settings are appropriate if you are using the ArduSub Raspbian image.


Here are some visuals and instructions on wiring the electronics.


Jacob thank you for replying. Attached is the set up I used after reading your post and the set up guide

I powered up all 3 boards via usb and all lights were lit so I assumed they had the power needed. (not in this photo thou )

Still could not see video

Also, the SD card thats in the Pixhawk, do I need to install the files on the SD card into pixhawk?

BTW I am trying to set this up for a 4 wheel crawler and not the sub actually.

Thanks again for replying!!!

Are the green and yellow lights on the Ethernet plug lit up and flashing on both Fathom X?

Can you ping from your computer?

If you are not sure that the yellow network cable is a patch cable and not a crossover cable, look carefully at both ends of the yellow network cable, you should be able to see the color of the wires through the plug, and the order of the wires from left to right should be the same on both ends.


They are lit up but not always flashing. The color of the wires so match on each end

yes i was able to ping the address

You don’t need to put any files on the SD card of the Pixhawk.

Can you log into the Raspberry Pi, and type sudo screen -ls, and show me the output of that.

Do you have a connection to the Pixhawk in QGC?

No connection. Advises I need to connect to my device but I don’t see a connect button. Let me check the other stuff

Ok, did you image the SD card on the Raspberry Pi yourself, using the image provided on or did the sd card come from BlueRobotics?

sudo screen -ls…no sockets found message

I believe i did it myself from

In Raspberry Pi terminal, type /home/pi/companion/RPI2/Raspbian/, you should see video after that.

ERROR.Pipeline could not be constructed: no element “fdsrc”

Wow. Can you paste the entire output here.
Also try /home/pi/companion/RPI2/Raspbian/, and paste the entire output of that as well.

RaspiVid: Unknown DRC level: medium ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: no element “fdsrc”

Traceback (most recent call last): File "usr/local/bin/, line 12,in import serial, Que, select, InputError: no module named serial

so the SD card in Pixhawk should be blank? It has files on it

Your Raspbian installation is all out of whack. I am interested to know how it got to be in this state. Did you use the from scratch instructions?

The quickest/easiest solution would be to re-image the Raspberry Pi SD card. Use the easy setup instructions. Make sure you are using this .img file.

The SD card in the Pixhawk stores log files created by the autopilot. It doesn’t need to be blank, but you don’t need to put anything there yourself.

Ok I’m going to re-image. So I put the SD card back in Pi and do I need to do anything after that? Doesn’t really say what to do.