I am currently exploring the integration of DGPS using my Trimble SPS356 DGNSS beacon receiver with BlueOS Blueboat. Can anyone provide me with guidance on the following:
Is BlueOS compatible with third-party DGNSS beacon receivers such as the Trimble SPS356?
What are the potential challenges or considerations that I should take into account when integrating these two systems?
Are there any available documentation or resources that could assist me with this integration?
I would appreciate any insights or guidance you can provide.
Hi @Sakthivelj -
If your GPS supports producing a UDP NMEA output stream with the following messages, it can be configured as the position (and heading) source for the BlueBoat.
Once you’ve configured your gps to output those messages, directed at the Raspberry Pi address of, port 27000, (you’ll need an ethernet switch), you can configure BlueOS as follows:
In Autopilot Firmware, Serial Ports, set up serial2 as udpin:
Under Autopilot Parameters the parameter GPS_TYPE should be set to NMEA, and Serial2_Protocol set to GPS. Make sure that no other Serial#_Protocol parameter is set to GPS as well.
No configuration of the NMEA Injector (menu tab in BlueOS) should be necessary.
Make sure you are running the latest stable BlueOS, and are using the latest ArduRover (4.5.1)
One more thing to note @Sakthivelj -
The instructions provided will mean that the Ardupilot driver is used to receive and parse the nmea messages, which is generally a more capable driver. BlueOS includes an alternative, NMEA injector, that turns everything received into mavlink messages available to the autopilot, so there are some limitations. It can only handle 4 messages, for example so it can’t use GPS yaw.
If you’d like to try NMEA injector, you’ll need to reverse the configuration steps described (GPS_TYPE back to auto (or NMEA), SERIAL2_Protocol, Serial 2 in autopilot)
Hi @tony-white, Could you please tell me how serial port configuration do it for Pixhawk 2.4.8? The serial port configuration is not available for Pixhawk.
Hi @Sakthivelj
The above procedure will not work for the Pixhawk. However, it is possible to connect a NMEA serial stream to the Pixhawk and configure it for use. Are you using your BlueBoat with a Pixhawk?
No, we are using Navigator only. Just curious about @surajbilung question. Its Pixhawk is able to integrate DGNSS beacon receivers Trimble SPS356 DGPS It will be good for us for some other applications.