How to add Ping2 and Ping360 to Cockpit views?

How do you setup an iFrame to view Ping2 and Ping360 views on the cockpit screen? Can’t find the URL to setup the iFrame and can’t seem to find any documentation on it. Thanks!

We are still working on dedicated Ping widgets.

In the meantime I recommend installing the Sonarview extension, from Cerulean, and iFraming that.

It’s a really good extension that goes well beyond the basics.

Hi @MichiganDiver -
You can find the URL to use for SonarView on the Available Services page (in pirate mode), by right clicking and choosing copy link address next to the SonarView entry

Thanks. Got SonarView to work with the Ping360. Was able to copy that URL to the iFrame and that works. But SonarView doesn’t see Ping2 device. Is there some special setting to view the Ping2 in SonarView? The PingViewer works great for both the Ping2 and the Ping360.

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Hi @MichiganDiver - been struggling with this same problem but see this thread to learn more about possible solutions.

Thanks. I’ve been following that thread and trying those recommendations as well. Also not having success with those suggestions. But, I am also new to this so learning a lot as I go too (So there may be a lot of operator error mixed in!) :grinning:

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