I do not use this way to handle NMEA in/out, instead I use Python modules.
Therefore I can not give you good answers.
One thing I saw was that you sent NMEA to
I would use the internal PC adress (loopback) instead
The NMEA looks to be received from the serial port and sent to the UGPS as far as I can see. (Let’s sort out the "jumpy orientation afterwards).
Looks like the UGPS is giving a status code of 500 which normally means the position cannot be calculated for some reason. Can you take a look in the GUI to see what kind of error the “system status” is showing you?
The NMEA looks to be received from the serial port and sent to the UGPS as far as I can see. (Let’s sort out the "jumpy orientation afterwards).
Looks like the UGPS is giving a status code of 500 which normally means the position cannot be calculated for some reason. Can you take a look in the GUI to see what kind of error the “system status” is showing you?
In order to test everything you will have to move the topside somewhere it can get a GPS fix (ie the GPS has a clear view of the sky). It should be enough to put the Locator next to the receiver (are you using receivers or antenna?) to get signal from the locator (ie you don’t need to put it in water if that is inconvenient).
Please share a screenshot once you have gotten GPS fix on the topside and locator.
The requirement to for the internal GPS to need position depends on the locator. The internal GPS is always used for time-sync when using the Locator U1 which means it needs to get a position fix (regardless of the GPS being set to internal/external/static). This means that you do not need to initially set it to internal then switch to external, you can just leave it as external and internal GPS will be used for sync anyway.
I’ve built a release 1.4.0 of ugps-nmea-go which supports setting what heading sentence to use. (New parameter “-heading HDT” ). This should allow you to get rid of the “jumpy position” warning
The latest version is just the same as the earlier. Create a start.bat file. Once created you can typically right click and select edit and then put the correct parameters in the file.