I’ve been doing some tests on ROS integration with SITL on the Bluerobotics forum (BlueRov2 SITL ardupilot · GitHub) . I can start the teleoperation by running rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py and I can see that the velocity data is published with the rostopic echo /cmd_vel command. However, I noticed that the robot does not move in the Gazebo simulation.
Here are the points I have checked so far:
I started to roscore,
ROS and Gazebo connection: Commands are being broadcast through ROS but there is no physical movement in Gazebo.
/cmd_vel messages: I can see that the correct data is being generated in the terminal.
Robot model: I think that the necessary actuators are defined for the model to move.
Does anyone have any idea about the source of this problem? What could be the reason why there is no movement in the Gazebo even though /cmd_vel messages are being issued? If anyone has encountered a similar problem before and found a solution, can you share your experience?