It looks like it’s going to have some serious payload capabilities.
…will build a few and see whats the best solution;)…but this is overkill , i know
…i have a garage system in my mind, but No subsea winch… asking for problems and not costeffective… im thinking of layers of tether on a “skid”… and collecting the tether with the gripper when surfacing. Easy setup at the top with a easy winch with a wire, with shacles on… (for the tether)…and a Crabhauler as LARS … adding a cam and 2 trusters will be something im thinking on… good for survey and no need for power from ROV just do it in the cage and control the direction with trusters, (yes ROV can too), but nice to turn and see the ROV working if needed;)
Send us a video. Good luck.
I would like to… but fathom x topside board is broken it seems like, no connection to the vehicle and just (in the end only one green light? …ahhh …then the Pixhawk Gone:/???
Subsea tether winch was (relatively) easy. I just copied a modern fishing reel, not sure what they are called (I don’t fish). The tether goes in the center back, then onto the stationary spool. An arm on a bearing ring is driven round and round, winding tether onto the spool. The arm freewheels when not being powered in, allowing the tether to spool off. A pair of pinch-rollers on the arm keeps the tether from ‘birdnesting’ on the spool, squeezing the tether just enough to keep it barely tight on the spool, but allowing it to slip through as the ROV tugs on it.
So you just lower the cage, then drive the ROV out, pulling out as much tether as you need. When it’s in danger of becoming tangled, or you need to dock the ROV, simply wind it in, then back the ROV in.
BTW, nice machining on your syntactic foam.
Wow, can you upload some pictures?
Pics or it didn’t happen, right?
The laptop the pics were on (of course i didn’t back-up THAT folder) died one day when i was watching a Youtube video. Won’t even load Bios now. And the ROV is in my storage unit in Arkansas (I’m in Ill-Annoys right now) 650 miles away.
I could re-create my original scribbles, if you like?
All good, just excited to see it. Next time you use it, it would be fantastic to see it. It would certainly add a lot of cababilities.
Just connect the signal wires together, and both servos will operate together. They sell Y-cables for this. Like for the two steering servos on a Traxxas Summit RC truck.