Bluerov2 heavy QGC Mavlink Message loss

Hi All,

has anyone come across this issue before where the message loss is very High in QGC for mavlink messages?

i have a client that keeps having intermittent issues where his sub will just randomly continue the last input and then disarm itself.

sometimes the message loss is only around 2% and others is will start out at nearly 99%.

see image below.


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just another note when i switch to BlueOS version 1.1.0 Beta 27 the message loss is 0% the client will test again later this week in the field to confirm its no longer disarming.

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We had a dive on 2024-May-8 where we experienced an unexpected loss of control, disarm, and a message of EKF warning messages. I looked at the dataflash log and saw that the inbound message rate dropped by ~50% for about a minute:

During this minute some of the extension-generated VISION_POSITION_DELTA (VISO) messages were not logged, so I assume that they were dropped somewhere between the extension and the autopilot – both running on the Pi. This seems to rule out problems with the tether, QGC, etc.

We were running AS 4.5 BETA with a fairly recent version of BlueOS, I can get the exact version if that helps.

Not sure if this is relevant to this issue but I have been experiencing this frequent (seemingly random) message loss, disconnection and disarming when using different computers. Losing focus on the cockpit window always causes disconnection of course but otherwise it seems the less powerful the computer/laptop the more frequently this occurs.
No idea which resources/hardware are critical here but thinking it is the graphics. Some can’t stay connected for more than a few minutes whereas others never lose connection - ever.

Will try the Beta27 version as @SoSub suggests to see if that improves this issue though