BlueROV2 Heavy - problem with Stabilize mode

We have experienced problems with the Stabilize and Dept-Hold modes on 8 thruster setup.

During operations we often get short periods with compass errors or deviating values from the IMU’s. The warnings have been discussed elsewhere in this forum (EKF2, AHRS, Yaw re-aligned, etc.).

Our problem is that when we get these warnings in Stabilize-mode the vehicle often reboots. We suspect that there is a bug in the Pixhawk firmware that crashes the program when the IMU errors gets to big. An acceptable solution would be to enter Manual-mode when such errors occur,

When we fly in Manual-mode we still get the same Warnings, but the vehicle never reboots.

For the record, QGroundcontrol and Pixhawk Firmware are latest version. All hardware are also latest version and we have tried replacing Pixhawk, Raspberry Pi, separated power supplies to electronics from the motor supply, and much more, without any luck.

We suspect that there is a bug in the Pixhawk firmware that crashes the program when the IMU errors gets to big.

I very much doubt this is the case on our stable releases. There have been no such reports from the hundreds of other users to date.

For the record, QGroundcontrol and Pixhawk Firmware are latest version. All hardware are also latest version and we have tried replacing Pixhawk, Raspberry Pi, separated power supplies to electronics from the motor supply, and much more, without any luck.

What version number are you on? There is “latest” development versions available which are not considered stable. Then there is the latest STABLE versions which are considered stable.

We would get a better understanding of the situation if you provide logs, a video, some details about your vehicle design and construction. This sounds to me like a problem with a weak power supply.

We use QGroundControl 3.2.4 Rev 6 from Bluerobotics.

The Pi Companion Software is version 0.0.15 and Pixhawk have been updadated to the latest STABLE version.

The power supply is 1600Watts and we have no problems with black outs when running in Manual Mode, even with 100% gain and full thrust on all 8 thrusters. But when we operate in Stabilize mode or Dept Hold mode, we get reboots regularly, even when operating at 25% and 50% gain, and very little thrust.

We have not seen any error messages related to power loss in the log files, but we might have looked in the wrong places. What we see is AHRS, EKF2 IMU1 error messages. Ampere values are not particularly high prior to experiencing reboots.

The configuration is based on the BR2 Heavy setup, but we have our own frame/chassis.

Log files have been sent to you by email.


I have sent a reply on the forum.

Here are some of the log files from the latest run.



2018-10-15 19-12-24.tlog (4.47 MB)

2018-10-15 19-14-50.tlog (414 KB)

Some more log files.



2018-10-15 18-48-25.tlog (6.58 MB)

Is there any development here? Are you still having the same issues ?

@stig Have you sorted this out? I have not looked at these logs yet.

No, the problem is still there when using stabilize mode, and we experience deviating IMU values. In manual mode we have no problems.

Ok, @stig we will take a look at the logs. Do you still have problems with reboots? I suspect a hardware issue here, because we have had no such reports otherwise.

Can you let us know more about your vehicle? Is it a BlueROV2 or something custom? Can you provide a video demonstrating the situation, maybe with a cooresponding (short as possible to demonstrate) log file?

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How much would need to be changed for a custom frame using the heavy configuration?