September 21, 2020, 11:29pm
Good news, I got it to work, but I would like some additional insight as to why. Again, I am using SITL with it.
I had to remove the -I 0 argument from the sim_vehicle.py command as seen here:
# BlueRov2 SITL
This is a simple guide to execute BlueRov2 model in Gazebo running ArduPilot SITL.
1. Install [freebuoyancy_gazebo](https://github.com/bluerobotics/freebuoyancy_gazebo#install)
plugin for buoyancy simulation.
2. Install [ardupilot_gazebo/add_link](https://github.com/patrickelectric/ardupilot_gazebo/tree/add_link#usage-)
plugin for ardupilot-gazebo communication. *add_link* is a branch that provides actuation over sdf links, after the `git clone`, it's necessary to run `git checkout add_link`.
3. Run BlueRov2 Gazebo model
1. Download bluerov_ros_playground
This file has been truncated. show original
Unsure as to why “instance” would matter. Secondly, I had to go into the bridge.py and bluerov_node.py and specify udp: manually as I could not get the argument read in for some reason when I did
roslaunch bluerov_ros_playground bluerov2_node.launch bluerov2_node_device:=udp:localhost:14550.
Finally, I was wondering why was used rather than in examples such as here:
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I did a small documentation to help you with your simulation environment, this same documentation will be added in ardusub.com in the future.
S.I.T.L (Software In The Loop)
SITL is a simulator that allows you to run ArduSub without any hardware. It is a build of the autopilot code using an ordinary C++ compiler, giving you a native executable that allows you to test the behaviour of the vehicle.
To configure and run SITL for the first t…