After tip from Joseph Ho at the DWE forum i have now flashed the DWE operating system onto the micro SD on the Raspberry, already containing the BlueOS. So if I understand this correct, both BlueOS is and DWE OS are now on the Raspberry micro SD card.
My next step now is to try and stream the DWE camera to QGC using DWE OS.
Will it be possible to use both OS at the same time? The DWE for the DWE camera (If it works better) and the BlueOS for the rest?
As I understand it flashing pretty much anything generally involves removing / overwriting what was already there. If @DeepWaterExploration have some kind of camera software that you want to run together with BlueOS then the best way of doing that would be if it’s available via a BlueOS Extension.
Did this ever make any progress? We’re about to try to integrate the DWE to our blue boat, and just trying to get ahead of any challenges we might have.
The only way we have been able to make it work is to run both operating systems in parallel. Installing the DWE as a BlueOS extention did not work for us. We were only given the option of 640 pixels (not sure how accurate that is) but the 1920P option was not available when running DWE as BlueOS extention
Noting that recent updates in the BlueOS camera manager may have made this easier, but I’m not certain. @joaoantoniocardoso do you know whether the DWE cameras play nicely with BlueOS now?
I believe we’re still waiting on DWE to update their extension to not use ports that standard BlueOS services use. Once that happens, the extension can be added to the Extensions Manager and should work nominally.
That said, the DWE camera will work just fine without the extension - it is only helpful if you need to reduce the bitrate, which is not really necessary with a good tether connection. If using via wireless link, like with a BlueBoat, it could help though!