Hello, I am new to this subject. I am planning to build a fully autonomous boat. For this, I want to order the materials specified in the attachment, which materials do you think I should buy in addition to this or I am open to your better suggestions.(I only have a boat and 2 electric motors)

In addition, I want to make it fully autonomous, so I want to put a sensor in front of the boat. Since I will use the boat in the sea or lake, I want to have a distance sensor that will not be affected by water or water drops. If you have a project or link to the product you recommend, I would be very happy if you add it.(I am waiting for your suggestions as GPS, I would appreciate if there is a product that will not cause problems to the controller and bluerobotics interface and ardupilot.)

[Navigator Flight Controller](blue robotics)
Raspberry Pi 4:
5V 6A Power Supply:
Power Sense Module:
[BlueBoat and BaseStation Wireless Router - BaseStation Wireless Router]
[Basic ESC 500 - BlueBoat]
[BlueBoat BaseStation
BlueBoat Antenna