Blue ROV with Stereo Video System

Hi all,
I am building a Blue ROV with an attached stereo video system (similar to the image provided) to collect fish-habitat association data. The stereo cameras are powered separately to the ROV.

I am seeking the groups input into different design ideas and issues that may occur.

Please upload images if you have built or seen an ROV with alike additions!


BlueROV Stereo Video

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Hi @HamishC,

A few options from a search of the forum:

Hi @HamishC
Eliot is right. They are in fact the same system that we built up in 2018 for doing fish surveys. Happy to give you some guidance. We are using these systems routinely. Be cautious about off the shelf stereo-video systems. Many are for stereo-vision rather than stereo-measurement and the cameras are too close. Have a look at