Bar 100 Depth Sensor Error


I’m currently running a BlueROV2 with a Bar100 sensor. I’m using the Navigator autopilot with firmware 4.1.1. Basically, I’m getting QGC to throw me a “Depth Sensor Error” message seemingly randomly every few minutes or so. I’ve seen the error both on the surface and underwater, and between error messages, I seem to get reasonable depth estimates. I also seem to be able to calibrate the sensor. I’m able to operate in depth hold mode, but when the error comes up, I’m kicked into Manual mode. I’ve seen other people in the forum run into this issue, and I’ve verified my baro settings (BARO_PROBE_EXT and BARO_EXT_BUS). I’ve also seen other people say that ferrite beads fixed their problem, but I don’t suspect that’s my issue if I periodically get this error when motors aren’t running (haven’t tried the ferrite bead yet). My settings for the baro should be in the image below.

Looking for advice to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance!

I’m curious about this as well. Any BR engineers want to venture a guess what’s going on? Thanks!

Hi @nickz21 -
The motors don’t need to be running for the I2C bus to have issues. I’d recommend re-routing your pressure sensor cable, and installing ferrite-cores if possible. Sorry for the hassle!

Hi Tony,

I appreciate the recommendation, but it doesn’t appear to have helped. I bought a second Bar100 sensor that is also consistently giving me the same depth sensor error. I’ve wrapped the wires around ferrite-cores for both sensors and have re-routed the wires. The new sensor isn’t even installed in the end cap yet; I have it loose, so I can move the cable around. I’m starting to suspect this is a software issue. I’ve tried changing Baro_ext_bus to -1, but this doesn’t appear to have helped. I see the same behavior of the sensor showing up but then periodically having a depth sensor error.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Bump! Exact same issue here, even with the ferrite bead. All stock in the autopilot bottle, regularly bumped out of closed loop control due to depth sensor error, very frustrating.

Hi all, looks like we still have the issue @nickz21 has, even when totally stock with the upgraded Bar100. We’ve replaced the baro, installed the ferrite bead, and we still periodically get the depth sensor error. Is there a way to prevent this error from kicking us out of closed loop control (depth/position hold etc.), especially if we just need to live with this periodic nuisance? It prevents us from doing any significant closed loop operations. Any other insight? @EliotBR ?

@tony-white , should’ve added you too

@tony-white @EliotBR

I’ve tested with a Bar30, and I don’t appear to be getting any periodic “depth sensor errors” thrown at me. We’d like to use the Bar100, but getting these errors thrown at is is hindering our ability to test reliably. We can use the Bar30 as a short term fix, but we’d prefer to be able to use the Bar100 moving forward. Any insight you have as to why the Bar30 works seamlessly and the Bar100 throws errors every once in a while would be greatly appreciated.


Interesting find! So potentially this is a defect with the Bar100?! We’ve replaced the 100 and continue to get the fault. Any thoughts from BR? @tony-white @EliotBR . We’ve been hitting our heads against a wall on this since March. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: