[Err] [ArduPilotPlugin.cc:538] [BlueRov2] Please specify a jointName, where the control channel is attached.
[Err] [ArduPilotPlugin.cc:547] [BlueRov2] Couldn't find specified joint []. This plugin will not run.
When running gazebo --verbose worlds/ur.world -u even though I did git clone -b add_link https://github.com/patrickelectric/ardupilot_gazebo when cloning the ardupilot_gazebo package.
Any idea what could be wrong? We are supposed to run sitl from another terminal right? Do we need to install anything beside the documentation you gave to run it?
Thanks for your help!
You are not using the add_link branch, please compile and reinstall the package.
Check where the plugin is after the install and from where gazebo is loading it.
I was using the add_link branch, but hadn’t copied the .so files made by ardupilot_gazebo from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-7.0/plugins to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gazebo-7/plugins after switching to that branch. Now I don’t have the Gazebo error anymore. If @patrickelectric wants it at some point I’ve written down more in-detail documentation on how to install the three plugins.
from another terminal, I get the error: sim_vehicle.py: command not found. Is there anything else I needed to install to run SITL, apart from the ardupilot_gazebo package ? I’ve built the bluerov_ros_playground package in a catkin workspace, the other two plugins separately outside of it.
Thanks a lot, I installed SITL and now it’s all running. I wrote a precise tutorial if anyone’s interested.
From this point can I set things up to work with ROS ? Otherwise how can I run scripts to communicate with the vehicle ? I was using ArduCopter with the Erle-Robotics tutorial before and I could rosrun scripts that would use the gazebo and mavros topics to set vehicle mode, send it some waypoints etc; it would be great if I could do that here.
Thanks for your help. I installed your package next to bluerov_ros_playground in my catkin workspace.
However I don’t really know what to do next. I was thinking roslaunch a launch from bluerov_ros_playground which includes your rover apm.launch file? Would you happen to have an example of a script you launch to control the rover, and which folder do you launch it from? Are there any other packages you installed in this workspace/project, like mavros for example?
Also, I think I am stuck at MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from tcp:, sometimes param show or other Mavproxy commands will work but most of the time they won’t.
Sorry for all the questions, I was using ArduCopter with the Erle-Robotics simulations before and I’m trying to recreate something similar in which I could use ROS to control the vehicle in Gazebo and get data from it!
The waiting thing will stop when you start gazebo and start the simulation. And for my package run
roslaunch rover apm.launch
this will start mavros and then run
roslaunch rover teleop.launch
This will let you control the rover with a xbox controller but it was mostly just to check if mavros was working properly. If you want to program the rover just launch apm.launch and will see all the mavros topics you will need.(rostopic list)
I now have Gazebo, SITL and mavros running, I’ll be able to program the rover using the mavros ropics. However it feels like SITL and Gazebo are not connecting. The SITL terminal still says waiting for heartbeat and does not react to commands, even when Gazebo is up and running. SITL terminal output with Gazebo open in another terminal:
Connect tcp: source_system=255
Failed to load module: No module named adsb. Use 'set moddebug 3' in the MAVProxy console to enable traceback
Loaded module console
Log Directory:
Telemetry log: mav.tlog
MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from tcp:
Is there any way to know why it is not connecting, any way to see what address Gazebo has for connection? I am using the add_link branch of ardupilot_gazebo like @patrickelectric suggested.
Btw, all steps I ran are provided here if that can help anyone.
Thanks again!
Thanks for your help, I did actually just need to hit the play button in Gazebo. Sorry about that, until now I’ve always launched it from ros and never had to manually start playing it ^^
Thank you very much for your help, I’ve updated the tutorial if that can help anyone in the future !
Hi, sorry for all my questions but I have a problem with making the vehicle move. In manual mode I can send manual control to initialize it, I can arm it, but I can’t move it. If I stay in manual mode I can send commands but nothing moves, and if I switch to any other mode the vehicle dives to the bottom. It feels like the thrusters never start. Could you maybe tell me precisely what I should send to mavros for the vehicle to be ready to go, the equivalent of arming + taking off in ArduCopter ?
That problem was a long time ago, I don’t remember what I did but it ended up working ok and I was able to use all modes in the simulations ! I think it was something like needing to arm in Manual mode and send some manual controls before going into another mode or something like that.