Water Linked DVL A50 Support

Hi @Jnyberg,

The DVL functionality is discussed in the External Integrations/Extensions topic, but isn’t yet documented in the main BlueOS docs.

The general extension system isn’t yet developed, so in the interim the simplest way to set up the DVL is to

  1. Connect to the vehicle and follow the getting started docs to connect to the vehicle and your wifi network
  2. Turn on pirate mode
  3. Open the web terminal
  4. Run red-pill to access the onboard computer
  5. Install the dvl service with the following command:
    sudo docker run -d --net=host -v /root/.config/blueos:/root/.config --name=BlueOS-Water-Linked-DVL --restart=unless-stopped bluerobotics/blueos-water-linked-dvl:latest
  6. Access the configuration options via the Available Services page