This video isn’t very interesting and/or watchable, but I wanted to keep posting here since nobody is posting their dives very often.
Today I did a quick dive at Upper Goose Lake after work. This is only my 4th dive, so I’m still paranoid about getting snagged on something on the bottom. I should have both of the Ping sonars installed this weekend, which should make these lower visibility dives a lot more fun and safer. I used VLC to hardcode the subtitles and they are flashing for some reason in the converted video.
Hi @btrue! Thanks for sharing! I know the thread may seem light with postings, but I am confident we have many in our community who watch this space and love seeing BlueROV2s out in the wild! I also appreciate our users who post here, as it makes my job of selling and marketing our products much easier
Some of the best BlueROV2 pilots out there are the ones who not only have snagged the tether on an obstacle but managed to safely untangle the cable Good luck and keep us posted on your adventures!