Unknown Joystick Model controller in Cockpit

We use the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. When connected to the laptop, it shows the USB joystick is connected but won’t recognise the type nor can it be calibrated. I have tried another joystick controller (model CECHZC2H A1) to try and determine the profile with the intent to adapt it yet that unit didn’t get recognized at all.

Joystick detected

Unknown Joystick Model Controller

Can you please support us in getting the joystick to work? Thank you.

Hi grant! Sure, let’s try making it work.

Could you check if the joystick gets recognized in this page and if you can see the buttons being clicked?

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Connected it to the site. It was detected and all functions showed when actioned

Nice. That means we can make it work on Cockpit also.

Just to be sure, when you click the physical buttons on your joystick, they don’t show up in red on Cockpit? And you are also unable to click them so you can remap them, right?

If both above are true, could you do a screen record showing both behaviors (in the gamepad test page as well as in cockpit)?

Just to better explain it here, since I talked to @grantdutoit outside the forum about this question:

The joystick is being connected and properly functioning in Cockpit, but since it is a flight joystick, the mapping gets very confusing (because the default layout is for console joysticks).

We are going to work together to add a layout for flight joysticks to help with that.


That will be excellent, I have often wondered about the possibility of using a HOTAS or similar for control.


As an update here, we did the integration and released support for the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro (Symbytech’s flight joystick) on version 0.13.0 of Cockpit :slightly_smiling_face:

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