Trying to update Ardusub on a new Rov

Hi tried to update Ardusub on my new (just built it) and get this message and nothing more happens ?
What to do ?

Downloading stable ArduSub firmware from
Stopping mavproxy
Flashing Pixhawk…
Loaded firmware for 9,0, size: 994256 bytes, waiting for the bootloader…
If the board does not respond within 1-2 seconds, unplug and re-plug the USB connector.

Hi @oxtox, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Given your other post I’m assuming you managed to fix this by directly connecting the Pixhawk to the topside computer and flashing on ArduSub that way?

Hi and Thanks for answer.
Yes that is correct, after 3 trials it worked, the first 2 I got a timeout when erasing old files

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Usually a direct connection with QGroundControl works well for flashing a Pixhawk, so that’s a bit odd, but glad you managed to resolve the issue :slight_smile: