Chris, hope you’re doing well! It’s been a while. Below are a couple links to forum postings we put up that you may already be aware of, but I figured it may be worth sharing again.
Regarding thruster noise, we have not seen any on our systems so far with the Gemini 720ik…
1.) BlueLink Multiplexer - DEPS MUX (Dual Ethernet Plus Serial). This MUX also has clean 12VDC & 24VDC DC-DC convertors built right onto the board. Everything you need to add a 720ik to the BlueROV2.
2.) Our surface powered SAR BlueROV2 system which has a Gemini 720ik mounted on it without adding a skid or changing the overall size of the ROV.
You have my email addy, shoot over an email if you have questions.