Commercial Grade BlueROV2 Surface Power Supply - Now taking orders!

Hello BR operators, integrators and inventors!! BlueLink, LLC is happy to announce that we have shipped our 10th surface powered BlueROV2 system and are now ready to open up business to all customers.

The BlueLink SPU-500 is a commercial grade ROV surface power supply kit that takes the battery out of the BlueROV2 and provide “unlimited” dive time. The SPU-500 can retrofit existing BlueROV2s or can be included on new pre-assembled BlueROV2 systems from BlueLink. The kit consists of 3 main components which we can also provide separately if required.

  1. Topside Power Unit
  2. BlueLink Power Tether
  3. ROV Power Unit

SPU-500 Datasheet (Updated Rev Coming Soon)BlueLink_SPU-500_web.pdf (1.2 MB)

In advance, we would like to answer one common question that we have received about the SPU-500…
Q: “Why is it only a 500W power supply when each T200 thruster is rated to 350W?
A: So the mile-high answer is related to typical MiniROV operations, price, size, weight and video latency.

  • MiniROV Ops - When operating a MiniROV, it is best to operate at the lowest thruster power gain setting possible to still be able to accomplish the intended task. This gives the operator the greatest range of control of the MiniROV via the joystick(s) and provides the smoothest continued operation. I think most BlueROV2 operators out there will agree that during a true BlueROV2 mission, rarely will you operate the BlueROV2 over the 50% thruster gain setting (we understand there are always exceptions).
  • Price/Size/Weight - If we created a SPU-1000, it would cost more, require more space and be heavier… (We do have plans for a SPU-1000 later this year.)
  • Video Latency - At this time, the BlueROV2 has >150ms latency in the 1080p HD video feed. If the operator were to run a mission at a 75% or higher thruster gain setting, it is highly likely the operator will struggle to stay on target due to the delay in the video. Basically, the operator would struggle by “overshooting” their targets and/or intended heading.

That said, the SPU-500 was designed to operate the BlueROV2 Heavy at up to 75% thruster gain during typical MiniROV operations. If the operator were to fully thrust forward AND up at the same time in a 75% thruster gain, it will likely trip the power system and temporality stall the BlueROV2 while the power system automatically resets. The power to the thrusters would be lost for several seconds but the video feed and telemetry stays active and visible.
Video Link to BlueROV2 Heavy with the SPU-500 runs at 75% thruster gain setting.

The ROV Power Unit of the SPU-500 kit is so small, it can allow multibeam imaging sonars like the Gemini 720ik and Oculus M750d to be installed on the BlueROV2 without the need for any additional major modifications.

For more info please send email to or call 1-800-680-7071

BlueLink, LLC is an Official Blue Robotics Distributor located in Southern California.


wowee that picture with the oculus is cool!

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I think it is gemini sonar.
Do you have any latency? I have an oculus but I got very poor connection… It freezes

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Yes, the little blue sonar shown above is the Tritech Gemini 720ik with the integrated mounting rail. The sonar can easily be detached and transferred from the ROV to a pole mount to the Tritech DMD (Diver Mounted Display) System.

To integrate additional Ethernet devices, we have developed our own mini-multiplexer (DEPS) which we will be releasing more information on later this month. It is a direct replacement for the Fathom X in the BlueROV2 and has (2) Ethernet inputs + (2) clean power supplies for accessories that need 12VDC & 24VDC (the Gemini needs 19VDC+). The DEPS also has solutions for other serial comms and I/Os but that will get released soon.

So the Gemini data comes up the same single twisted pair the BlueROV2 uses and we typically get a 98%-100% link to the sonar. We have not experienced any freezing or noticeable latency with our DEPS MUX. (And I would like to point out that we have not tested it with an Oculus yet but do not expect to have any problems.)

@achat - Where are you located? Please feel free to email me directly.

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El valor cual sera


Would you mind replying to this “debate” whether binder 770 and slip-ring are fit-for-purpose or not:



I am going to defer to our CTO, Peter (@BlueLink_PS) , to go into further discussion on this. What I can say is that we have been modifying the BR slip rings to accommodate the higher voltages and, even though we haven’t had any major problems yet, we are currently testing a better/safer slip ring and connector combination.

Hello Eloi,

In short, it is possible, but not recommended to use the slipring above it’s rated voltage. We have been modifying every Fathom Spool we assemble and ship by replacing the slipring with one rated to 440V/2A with 2 passes each for the 350V and 0V power conductors. We also solder in a new Binder 770 connector and carefully fill the back side with dielectric grease. We test everything to 500VDC to be sure nothing will arc over. We have already switched to a larger style Binder connector (600V rated and much higher current on the power pins) but this is significantly larger and more expensive than the 770. Our new high voltage spool will be released shortly and it accommodates a much 440V rated slipring with 20A per pass capacity.

Whenever preparing a high voltage cable, slipring, or connector, it is industry standard to "High Potential (Hi-Pot) test every component in the system to voltage much higher than normal operating conditions. The idea is simply to put, say 500VDC between 2 wires and measure the leakage current between them. This is used to calculate effective resistance between the conductors and is typically in the hundreds of millions of Ohms to Giga Ohms. Performing the same test with a standard multi meter is usually invalid, as and arcing of the high voltage between 2 pins or wires will not be seen at the low voltages they apply. Typical test equipment (called a Megger) comes from the telecoms industry, but with a pricetag over $5,000 USD. Fortunately, there is a cheaper alternative if you plan to operate high vol try age systems. Here’s the one I have recommended to anyone with any brand power supply system:
VICTOR VC60B+ Digital Insulation Resistance Tester Megohm Meter DC250/500/1000V AC750V Orange with Black


Dear Jeff;
What kind of DC DC down converter are using ?
Any VICOR type ?

Best Regards