Hi @Davie260563,
Seems like a useful project to integrate a few of your topside components
My main concerns with something like this would be:
- electrical safety (have you worked with high voltage electronics before?)
- ventilation (you’ll want some way to keep the electronics and batteries cool - hence the cooling vents and fan in that are in the power station design you’re planning to take apart
- electrical noise (try to keep the fathom-X and other low-voltage electronics and communication cables away from the power supply side of things where possible)
If you’re able to share more info on the design and included components as you progress we can try to give some more feedback and suggestions
Are you thinking you’ll have a computer, keyboard, and monitor built in like @etienne’s Surface Control Unit, or are you thinking you’ll be using it to power a laptop, like what’s done with the Outland Technology Power Supply? Will your tether also be in the box? Lots of interesting potential avenues depending on your use-case